Why Choose 70-75% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) for Screen Cleaning

Why Choose 70-75% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) for Screen Cleaning

Keeping our screens clean is essential, but did you know that using a 70-75% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution is better than using 91-99% IPA? Here’s why:

Better Cleaning Power

70% Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning Wipes, Disposable Screen IPA Wipes

70% IPA cleaning wipes are soaked in a 70% isopropyl alcohol-based cleaning solution and are recommended for cleaning non porous surfaces.

1. Effective Dirt Removal: A 70-75% IPA solution has just the right mix of alcohol and water, making it great at dissolving dirt, dust, and oils. This combination ensures your screen gets thoroughly cleaned.

2. Ideal Evaporation Rate: It evaporates at the perfect speed, giving it enough time to break down grime without leaving residue. High-concentration IPA evaporates too quickly, which can leave dirt behind.

Gentle on Your Screen

1. Protects Screen Coatings: Many screens have special coatings that can be damaged by high concentrations of IPA. The 70-75% solution is gentler, preserving these coatings while still cleaning effectively.

2. No Streaks: The added water helps the solution spread evenly and prevents streaks and spots, giving your screen a clear, clean look.

Safer to Use

1. Less Flammable: Higher concentrations of IPA are more flammable. A 70-75% solution is safer to use, reducing the risk of fire.

2. Lower Irritation: It’s less harsh on your skin and lungs compared to higher concentrations, making it safer to handle and use regularly.

IPA Wipe cloth

IPA Wipe cloth

Using a 70-75% isopropyl alcohol solution is the best choice for cleaning your screens. It offers excellent cleaning power, protects your screen, and is safer to use. For the best results, pair it with a lint-free cloth. Keep your screens clean, clear, and safe with 70-75% IPA!

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