Cleanroom Swab Manufacturers Tell You How To Store Cleaning Swabs

Cleanroom Swab Manufacturers Tell You How To Store Cleaning Swabs

Cleanroom swab manufacturers tell you how to store cleaning swabs

Although the cleanroom swab manufacturer has packaged the cleanroom swabs at the time of delivery, no one can guarantee that any accidents will happen. In order not to guarantee the damage of the cleanroom cotton swabs, here are some suggestions from Shenzhen cotton swab manufacturers.

1. When the cleaning swabs are stored, prevent the lower product from being affected by the humidity of the ground.  The qualified method is applicable to the above two types of cleaning swabs.

2. For the storage of foam, sponge, and cotton-type cleanroom swabs, we must pay attention to moisture-proof and moisture-proof. Because this kind of cotton swab affects its own cleaning effect after being damp. If possible, it is best to store it in a ventilated place and keep it dry.

3. Cleaning swabs soaked in IPA solution, this type of cotton swab is mainly used in the print head of the printer. In view of the volatility and flammability of IPA solution, Shenzhen cotton swab manufacturers recommend that you store these cleanroom cotton swabs in a cool and low-temperature place, and try not to let these cleanroom cotton swabs come into contact with high temperatures.

In fact, storing cleanroom swabs is not so simple. The cotton swab manufacturers just give you such a friendly suggestion. As for how you want to store cleaning swabs, you need to analyze the specific situation.

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